Accused Of OWI After One Or More Convictions In Iowa?

Issues involved with a first-offense DUI are still present in repeat offenses, but the stakes are significantly higher.

Second OWI


In Iowa, a second OWI offense (operating while intoxicated) – including a previous conviction or deferred judgment in Iowa or another state within a 12-year period – is known as an aggravated misdemeanor, according to Iowa Code section 321J.2.

If you are convicted of this charge you will face a minimum of:

  • Seven days in jail (to a maximum of two years’ imprisonment)
  • A $1,875 fine
  • A 15 percent surcharge
  • A mandatory substance abuse evaluation
  • Participation in a DUI education course
  • Court costs
  • Restitution

You also cannot receive a deferred judgment for a second-offense OWI.

Third OWI


In the case of a third offense, you will face a class D felony with a minimum of:

  • 30 days in jail (to a maximum of five years’ imprisonment)
  • A fine of no less than $3,125
  • A 15 percent surcharge
  • A substance abuse evaluation
  • An education course about the dangers of drunk driving
  • Court costs
  • Restitution
  • Six-year license revocation

When the stakes are this high, it is absolutely critical to work with an attorney to aggressively protect your rights and fight the charge to arrive at an ideal outcome.

Taking Every Step To Protect Your Rights


I am criminal defense attorney Michael Culp, and at Culp Law Office, P.L.C., in Des Moines, I have faced tough prosecutors and judges in thousands of OWI cases.

I will take every step within the law to protect your rights at all stages in your case by looking at all details related to your charge, including whether:

  • The reason for your stop was proper
  • All information was correctly obtained during the course of the field sobriety tests
  • There were sufficient grounds for arrest
  • Tests for alcohol content were valid
  • Police advisories or requests for phone calls were handled properly

If there is any weakness in the evidence against you, I can aggressively advocate for you to get the charge dismissed.

Let Me Review The Facts Of Your Case


Let an experienced criminal defense attorney mitigate possible consequences. Call my office to schedule a free consultation at 515-288-3333 or email my firm.