Need To Fight A Drug Charge In Iowa?

Drug crimes, even a seemingly minor marijuana drug conviction, can lead to fines and probation and negatively impact your ability to get student loans or secure a promising job. A serious drug charge can lead to years in prison.

Some of these charges, including those involving methamphetamine, carry mandatory minimum sentences. If you have been charged with possessing five grams or more of methamphetamine with the intent to deliver, you face up to 25 years in prison and will not be eligible for parole until you have served at least one-third of your sentence.

Because of the severity of these consequences, the decision isn’t about whether or not to fight the charges but rather which lawyer you are going to choose to defend you.

Aggressive, Skilled, Experienced Defense


I am criminal defense attorney Michael Culp. At Culp Law Office, P.L.C., in Des Moines, I have handled many cases including the following:

  • Possession of a controlled substance (aka simple possession)
  • Possession with intent to deliver
  • Delivery of a controlled substance
  • Manufacturing a controlled substance
  • Forgery or alteration of a prescription or use of fraud to obtain a controlled substance

Once I examine all evidence against you, I will:

  • Determine whether any evidence was obtained as a result of an unconstitutional search and seizure
  • Cross-examine police and witnesses at trial
  • Review and analyze law enforcement audio/video evidence

I have handled some of the most complicated drug cases in Iowa. Let me help you.

Schedule A Free Consult


Reach out today to discuss your drug charges. Schedule a consult at my office in Des Moines. Call 515-288-3333 or send an email.

Free consultations. Evening and weekend appointments available.