Domestic Violence Charges In Iowa Are Taken Very Seriously

People have disagreements with loved ones every day. Sometimes, these arguments can escalate quickly. Perhaps one or both parties said or did things that they regret. If someone calls the police during or after a domestic argument, it is almost certain that someone will be arrested.

If you have been charged with domestic violence, you need a legal advocate on your side to protect your interests.

I am criminal defense attorney Michael Culp. At Culp Law Office, P.L.C., in Des Moines, I defend people throughout central Iowa who have been accused of domestic violence and other criminal matters including those who have been served with a “no contact” or restraining order.

Understanding The Full Consequences Of A Domestic Violence Conviction In Iowa


A domestic violence conviction can impact your life in many ways beyond jail time or fines. For instance, if you are involved in a divorce or a child custody dispute, a domestic violence conviction will negatively impact your ability to see your children. If you own a firearm, a domestic violence conviction will impact whether or not you can keep your guns. If you are not a citizen of the United States, a domestic violence conviction can have a negative impact on your immigration status.

Sadly, domestic violence charges are often the result of an argument that got out of hand. Some people may even make these allegations in an attempt to get an upper hand in a child custody battle.

Regardless of the situation, I will fully investigate the circumstances of your charges and take every step within the law to mitigate what you could face.

Contact My Office Today. Free Consults.


Reach out to my office today to schedule an appointment with me to discuss what happened and how I can help. Call 515-288-3333 or email me to discuss.

Free consultations and evening and weekend appointments.